General Principles

General Principles

UNIPZJOSR ( Journal of Scienctific Research) is a peer-reviewed journal and its publishing place is Prizren -  Republic of Kosove. It is published 4 times a year. When necessary, it can be also published as special publicatıons and extra-publications apart from these publications.
UNIPZJOSR is an academic journal which publishes research paper in the field of   marketing, management, finance, banking, economics, human resources management, development, business ethics,  law, development studies, political science, sociology, history,  linguistics, education, life sciences, mathematics, biology, microbiology, , Computer Engineering,  Agriculture,  Environmental Science, Forestry. The publication language of UNIPZJOSR is English.   The articles which don't fulfil these conditions are not published even if they completed their peer-reviewed duration.
All research papers submitted to UNIPZJOSR are reviewed by reviewers, editor and members of the editorial board. Decisions on the manuscripts will be taken as rapidly as possible.

Because the articles sent to UNIPZJOSR is going to be in the process of the referee, there mustn't decipher knowledge of the identification or the name of the author in the articles added to the system. After completed the duration of the article's peer-reviewed, it will be added in the information about the author or authors. After the article is stored into the system by the author, the processes below have occurred. The loaded article has been checked about the rules of publishing and spelling by the editor / the assistant of the editor. After the editor has completed th approval , the article has been directed to the writing referee. Three referees have been appointed for every article having been confirmed.

After the articles are sent from the personal page in UNIPZJOSR through the e-mail and password, referee duration of the articles can be followed from the same page. After this stage, it must have waited for the reports to come to do the correction.

The articles added to the system of the journal mustn't be published in another place. When you want to be a member of UNIPZJOSR as an author or a referee, all information required must be filled completely.   Articles uploaded to UNIPZJOSR are free of charge. After published electronically, the journal will be sent to authors.